It was only after I’d lost half my bodyweight through sheer sweat that I realised my chosen workout in Zwift on Sunday evening was indeed their ‘Workout of the Week – Turn Up The Heat in New York’.
As if I needed an invitation.
In from a walk with the last remaining Hound of Doom, it’s curtains closed, bib shorts and shoes on, saddled up in front of the new PC and onward for a sub-40-minute workout to close out the week.
According to my training log in Strava, between walking and cycling this week and last, I’ve more than the past two months – nailed it – while I’m on par with April. We’re only talking nine hours of activity here, but it’s a good turnaround from the emptiness of May and June. I’ve managed to get out for a walk of some description every evening for the past fortnight, this week adding some light weights and three Zwift sessions – The Beginning on Tuesday (12.8km), Interval Power Play on Thursday (10km) and the aforementioned Workout of the Week today (15.6km). And you know what? They’ve been great. Nothing overly taxing but more than enough to turn up the heat, get a sweat on, get the legs moving and the heart pumping.
Slow and steady wins the race, and I’ll consider racing at some point in time, or at the very least running some sessions that will take me 40-50km down the virtual roads that Zwift offers.
Tomorrow’s the start of another week, with plenty to plan for, but I’ll get to reflecting on that tomorrow.